Monday, August 31, 2009

Just Breathe ~

I started this Blog to help myself and anyone else that has suffered the pain and agony of a Spouse that's said Goodbye. It's been so difficult to blog about this personal tragedy. I don't even know where to start.......

How could my Husband of 20 years leave me and our two beautiful girls?

He says he doesn't love me anymore? Describe LOVE in a complete sentence.

Is there another woman or does he think he's going to find someone better than me?

How can he THINK that nothing is going to change re: his relationship with our Daughters?

Actually ~ WHAT is he Thinking?!!??

Why not try Marriage counseling?

Is he Happy Now?!!??

It's been almost 2 months since he left and I've gone through so many emotions ~
shock, disbelief, anger, sadness, lots of questions and tons of depression. I'm going to survive and I know that God has HUGE plans for me.

When a door closes ~ God opens a Window.

I'm still devastated by his decision and scared about what the future holds ~ but I'm determined to survive this nightmare (for the sake of my two girls). Some days are easier than others ~ it's always a good day when I make it out of bed. :) I've found if I can just stay really busy ~ focus on the present ~ don't dwell on the past or even think for one second about my future ~ then I can survive the day without a meltdown. Unfortunately ~ I've cried too many tears for the "could of should of would of" and I just need to let go and to trust in God and......

Breathe ~ just Breathe

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sea Dream Studio ~

I absolutely LOVE my new Blog Banner (pictured above) that I purchased from Sea Dream Studio. There were so many Fabulous Blog Banners to choose from ~ but this one matched my theme and also the colors in my background. At least ~ I think the colors work well together and I wanted a Castle ~ so I'm thrilled with the way it looks. I considered purchasing a custom designed Blog Banner from Sea Dream Studio ~ but I didn't want to wait. So you can check out all of her Gorgeous Designs by flying over here to her Etsy Store or over here to her website. She also has the most amazing Etsy Store Banners.